I have an array of URLs, which I have to download using JS / Cordova async functions. My current implementation looks like this (simplified):
var urls = [ ...... many many ...... ] var arrayPointer = 0; downloadData(); function downloadData() { if(arrayPointer >= urls.length) { do_something_else(); return false } downloadURL(urls[arrayPointer++],successDownloadCallback,failDownloadCallback); return false; } function failDownloadCallback() { logError(); downloadData(); return false; } function successDownloadCallback(data) { saveDataToFile(data,saveSuccessCallback,saveFailCallback); return false; } function saveFailCallback() { logError(); downloadData(); return false; } function saveSuccessCallback() { downloadData(); return false; }
Unfortunately, I get “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error sometimes. Is there a better way to do this?
I had this issue before and managed to resolved it by using async loop (for) here is an example
const downloadAllfiles = async (arr) => { for(const x of arr) { const file = await downloadURL(x.path); await saveFile(file); } console.log('done with all files'); }