How can this particular code work on page load itself and even on refresh of page timer value remains ticking only when click submit it stops?
I guess we need to store the timer on localStorage and destroy storage on click submit?
$(function() { // Some global variables var startTime = 0, elapsed = 0, timerId = 0, $timer = $("#timer"); function formatTime(time) { var hrs = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60 / 1000), min = Math.floor((time - hrs * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 60 / 1000), sec = Math.floor((time - hrs * 60 * 60 * 1000 - min * 60 * 1000) / 1000); hrs = hrs < 10 ? "0" + hrs : hrs; min = min < 10 ? "0" + min : min; sec = sec < 10 ? "0" + sec : sec; return hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec; } function elapsedTimeFrom(time) { return formatTime(time - startTime + elapsed); } function showElapsed() { $timer.text(elapsedTimeFrom(; } function startTimer() { // React only if timer is stopped startTime = startTime ||; timerId = timerId || setInterval(showElapsed, 1000); localStorage.setItem('startTime'); } function pauseTimer() { // React only if timer is running if (timerId) { clearInterval(timerId); elapsed += - startTime; startTime = 0; timerId = 0; } } function resetTimer() { clearInterval(timerId); $timer.text("00:00:00"); startTime = 0; elapsed = 0; timerId = 0; } function editTimer() { pauseTimer(); $timer.prop("contenteditable", true); $timer.css("border", "1px solid red"); } function setElapsed() { var time = $timer.text(), arr = time.split(":"); $timer.prop("contenteditable", false); $timer.css("border", "1px solid black"); elapsed = parseInt(arr[0] * 60 * 60, 10); elapsed += parseInt(arr[1] * 60, 10); elapsed += parseInt(arr[2], 10); elapsed *= 1000; } function sendTime() { pauseTimer(); // Set hidden input value before send $("[name='time']").val(formatTime(elapsed)); } $("[name='start']").click(startTimer); $("[name='stop']").click(pauseTimer); $("[name='reset']").click(resetTimer); $timer.dblclick(editTimer); $timer.blur(setElapsed); $("form").submit(sendTime); });
<script src=""></script> <div id="timer">00:00:00</div> </h1> <form action="" method="post" ame="xyz"> <input type="button" name="start" value="Start" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="button" name="stop" value="Stop" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="hidden" name="time" value="00:00:00"> </form>
You need to set the variable in localStorage not just the name
I have commented out the calls since they do not work in StackSnippets
Just uncomment them when you copy to your server.
$(function() { // Some global variables var startTime = 0; elapsed = 0, timerId = 0, $timer = $("#timer"); function formatTime(time) { var hrs = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60 / 1000), min = Math.floor((time - hrs * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 60 / 1000), sec = Math.floor((time - hrs * 60 * 60 * 1000 - min * 60 * 1000) / 1000); hrs = hrs < 10 ? "0" + hrs : hrs; min = min < 10 ? "0" + min : min; sec = sec < 10 ? "0" + sec : sec; return hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec; } function elapsedTimeFrom(time) { return formatTime(time - startTime + elapsed); } function showElapsed() { $timer.text(elapsedTimeFrom(; } function startTimer() { // React only if timer is stopped // startTime = localStorage.getItem('startTime') ||; startTime ||; // remove and uncomment above timerId = timerId || setInterval(showElapsed, 1000); // localStorage.setItem('startTime',startTime); } function pauseTimer() { // React only if timer is running if (timerId) { clearInterval(timerId); elapsed += - startTime; startTime = 0; timerId = 0; } } function resetTimer() { clearInterval(timerId); $timer.text("00:00:00"); startTime = 0; elapsed = 0; timerId = 0; } function editTimer() { pauseTimer(); $timer.prop("contenteditable", true); $timer.css("border", "1px solid red"); } function setElapsed() { var time = $timer.text(), arr = time.split(":"); $timer.prop("contenteditable", false); $timer.css("border", "1px solid black"); elapsed = parseInt(arr[0] * 60 * 60, 10); elapsed += parseInt(arr[1] * 60, 10); elapsed += parseInt(arr[2], 10); elapsed *= 1000; } function sendTime() { pauseTimer(); // Set hidden input value before send $("[name='time']").val(formatTime(elapsed)); // localStorage.removeItem('startTime'); } $("[name='start']").click(startTimer); $("[name='stop']").click(pauseTimer); $("[name='reset']").click(resetTimer); $timer.dblclick(editTimer); $timer.blur(setElapsed); $("form").submit(sendTime); });
<script src=""></script> <div id="timer">00:00:00</div> </h1> <form action="" method="post" ame="xyz"> <input type="button" name="start" value="Start" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="button" name="stop" value="Stop" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"> <input type="hidden" name="time" value="00:00:00"> </form>