let mything = { "holders": [{ "address": "0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8", "balance": 8.623839536582375e24, "share": 52.02 }, { "address": "0xf977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec", "balance": 4.5e24, "share": 27.14 }] }; let m = Object.entries(mything); console.log(m);
The above is a json data, stored in a file, now what I want to do is to loop over this whole file which has 2000 of such entries, get just the address part of each entry and append it in a url, so how would I do the looping part?? Any code Snippet for javaScript would be lovely. Cudos.
Since holders
object is an array, you can loop over it like below, and make use of the address like constructing the URL as per your logic inside the loop. Here’s the example of storing the addresses in an array:
var original = { "holders": [{ "address": "0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8", "balance": 8.623839536582375e24, "share": 52.02 }, { "address": "0xf977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec", "balance": 4.5e24, "share": 27.14 }] }; var addresses = []; for (let holder of original.holders) { addresses.push(holder.address); } console.log(addresses)