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How to include javaScript file in xslt

How can I include/import javaScript file/libary in xslt file.



If you need to use the javascript in the transformation (for example, it contains a set of extension functions that are called within the transformation), you need to put the javascript contents (at least that of one javascript file) in a separate XSLT stylesheet file, using the proper extension element (such as <msxml:script>) as the parent of the text-node that contains the javascript code.

Here is a very simple example, using any Microsoft XSLT processor (MSXML3/4/6, XslCompiledTransform or XslTransform):

file XSL-JS.xsl:


File XSL-Main.xsl that is importing the javascript:


When the transformation, contained in the file XSL-Main.xsl is applied on any XML document (not used/ignored), the wanted, correct result is produced:


A completely different case is if you just want to generate with your XSLT application an HTML file that references a given Javascript file.

Then you include this in your XSLT code and generate this literally as part of the output:
