I need to convert this function using the functional programming paradigm but I don’t know how, I can use reducer or map creating an array but I don’t know how to implement it, i can’t use divide operator, loop or recursion;
function divide(dividend, divisor) { var result = 0; while (dividend >= divisor) { dividend -= divisor; result++; } return result; } console.log(divide(100, 2));
The way to do it declaratively is with a recursive function….
const divide = (t, b, depth = 0) => t < b ? depth : divide(t-b, b, depth+1); console.log(`150 / 3 = ${divide(150, 3)}`); console.log(`24 / 3 = ${divide(24, 3)}`); console.log(`4 / 3 = ${divide(4, 3)}`);