This is my database collection:
{"productId" : 1, "isVariant": 1, "isComplete" : 1, "variantId" : 1, "attributeSet" : [ { "name" : "Capacity", "value" : "500 GB", "id" : 3 }, { "name" : "Form Factor", "value" : "5 inch", "id" : 4 }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Memory Components", "value" : "3D NAND", "isVariation" : 0 } ] }, {"productId" : 2, "isVariant": 1, "isComplete" : 1, "variantId" : 1, "attributeSet" : [ { "name" : "Capacity", "value" : "1 TB", "id" : 3 }, { "name" : "Form Factor", "value" : "5 inch", "id" : 4 }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Memory Components", "value" : "3D NAND", "isVariation" : 0 } ] }, {"productId" : 3, "isVariant": 1, "isComplete" : 0, "variantId" : 1, "attributeSet" : [ { "name" : "Capacity", "value" : "500 GB", "id" : 3 }, { "name" : "Form Factor", "value" : "2.5 inch", "id" : 4 }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Memory Components", "value" : "3D NAND", "isVariation" : 0 } ] }, {"productId" : 4, "isVariant": 1, "isComplete" : 0, "variantId" : 1, "attributeSet" : [ { "name" : "Capacity", "value" : "1 TB", "id" : 3 }, { "name" : "Form Factor", "value" : "2.5 inch", "id" : 4 }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Memory Components", "value" : "3D NAND", "isVariation" : 0 } ] }
Now I want to send the data of only the attribute where isVariation
is not 0. Also I want to send the variant values of each attribute where isComplete =1
. Hence the result should look like this
result : [{ "id": 3, "name": "Capacity", "value": [ "500 GB", "1 TB" ] }, { "id": 4, "name": "Form Factor", "value": [ "5 inch" ] }]
The above result does not have value of 2.5 inch as the isComplete
is 0 for this document. Can anyone help me with the query
is 1$project
to show required fields$unwind
is not 0$group
and get firstname
and get uniquevalue
db.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { isComplete: 1 } }, { $project: { _id: 0, attributeSet: 1 } }, { $unwind: "$attributeSet" }, { $match: { "attributeSet.isVariation": { $ne: 0 } } }, { $group: { _id: "$", name: { $first: "$" }, value: { $addToSet: "$attributeSet.value" } } } ])
The $project stage is not required in your query, i have added because this will optimize your query performance.