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How to get starting plotted date and ending plotted date from DHTMLX Gantt chart

I am using the DHTMLX Gantt chart, Here I need to get the starting plotted date and ending plotted date from the Gantt. For example here start date is 31 Mar 2019 and the end Date is 7 Apr 2019 in the chart, I want this date without taking it from the JSON. Actually, I want to add some more days to the start date and end date that’s why I need it. Here is the code below.





There is an API called getState() for that if you want the starting date and ending date from the Gantt chart.

gantt.getState().min_date will give you the date that tasks are displayed in the chart from and gantt.getState().max_date will give you the date that tasks are displayed in the chart till. If you want a date before or after the starting date or ending date, you can add/subtract the number of days according to your need by this Date(gantt.getState().max_date), -1, 'day'). Here is the working example:
