I have an array containing two plan objects:
[ { "id": "price_aehdw424i7rxyeqiquedwuy", "name": "Monthly Plan", "price": 2900, "interval": "month", "currency": "usd", }, { "id": "price_46r34dgqn4d7w4fdw3476r323", "name": "Yearly Plan", "price": 29900, "interval": "year", "currency": "usd", } ]
What I am trying to do is use a value (customerPlanId) to find the correct plan by matching it to the plan.id and then just return the correct plan, like below:
{ "id": "price_aehdw424i7rxyeqiquedwuy", "name": "Monthly Plan", "price": 2900, "interval": "month", "currency": "usd", }
I know I can map through the plans and filter for the correct plan, but then how can I return the correct plan object on its own?
You could use the “Array.find” method