I have the following function in a React component:
onUploadStart(file, xhr, formData) { formData.append('filename', file.name); formData.append('mimeType', file.type); }
This is my test that at least gets the spy to be called:
const formData = { append: jest.fn() }; const file = { name: 'someFileName', type: 'someMimeType' }; eventHandlers.onUploadStart(file, null, formData); expect(formData.append).toHaveBeenCalledWith( ['mimeType', 'someMimeType'], ['fileName', 'someFileName'] );
However, the assertion is not working:
Expected mock function to have been called with: [["mimeType", "someMimeType"], ["fileName", "someFileName"]] But it was called with: ["mimeType", "someMimeType"], ["filename", "someFileName"]
What is the right way to use toHaveBeenCalledWith
I was able mock multiple calls and check the arguments this way:
expect(mockFn.mock.calls).toEqual([ [arg1, arg2, ...], // First call [arg1, arg2, ...] // Second call ]);
where mockFn
is your mocked function name.