I am new in React and I want to change two graphs made in js depending on a form made with bootstrap form.
My code in react is the following:
import React from 'react'; import Container from 'react-bootstrap/Container'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row'; import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col'; import Titulo from './Titulo/Titulo'; import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form'; import Dona_etiquetas from './Graficas/Dona_etiquetas'; import Dona_etiquetas2 from './Graficas/Dona_etiquetas2'; import Linear_etiquetas from './Graficas/Linear_etiquetas'; import Tabla_etiquetas from './Graficas/Tabla_etiquetas'; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { useState } from 'react'; function Seccion1Reporte1() { const [optionSelected, setOptionSelected] = useState('1mes'); const handleChange = event => { setOptionSelected(event.target.value); } //const tablaHeader1 = ["Número de registro","Número de errores","Etiquetas erróneas","Mensaje de error"]; //const tablaContenido1 = ["MT001", "4", "blc_aba", "Campo no es alfanumérico"]; return ( <> <Titulo texto="Reporte 1: Validación de Estructura del Reporte" /> <Container fluid={true}> <Row> <Col> <Form.Group style={{ width: '100%' }}> <Form.Control as="select" size="lg" custom> <option>Seleccionar periodo</option> <option value="1mes">1 mes</option> <option value="dos_once">2 - 11 meses</option> <option value="doce">12 meses</option> </Form.Control> <Form.Group style={ optionSelected != '1mes' ? { width: '50%' } : { width: '50%' }}> <Dona_etiquetas /> </Form.Group> <Form.Group style={ optionSelected == '1mes' ? { width: '50%' } : { width: '50%' }}> <Dona_etiquetas2 /> </Form.Group> </Form.Group> </Col> </Row> </Container> </> ) } export default Seccion1Reporte1;
I have not been able to change the graph from the options, only the two graphs appear at the same time.
**I GOT IT!!! I find the answer!!! **