I am newbie in React and JavaScript development. I have file http-common.js
import axios from "axios"; export default axios.create({ baseURL: "http://localhost:8080/api", headers: { "Content-type": "application/json" } });
File account.js
import React from 'react'; import 'devextreme/data/odata/store'; import axios from 'axios'; import DataGrid, { Column, Pager, Paging, FilterRow, Lookup } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import apiClient from "../../http-common"; export default function Accounts() { var bearer_token = "bearer " + localStorage.getItem("token"); try { const config = { headers: { "Authorization": bearer_token }, }; // console.log(config); const res = apiClient.get("/account/all", config); // Please focus at this line, help me revise it for correct syntax/format of axios. axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/api' axios.defaults.headers.common = {'Authorization': bearer_token} var foo = axios.get("http://localhost:8080/api/account/all"); console.log(foo) const result = { headers: res.headers, data: res.data, }; console.log(res.data); } catch { return { isOk: false, message: "Đăng nhập thất bại" }; } const dataSource = { store: { type: 'odata', key: 'Task_ID', url: 'https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/DevAV/odata/Tasks' }, expand: 'ResponsibleEmployee', select: [ 'Task_ID', 'Task_Subject', 'Task_Start_Date', 'Task_Due_Date', 'Task_Status', 'Task_Priority', 'Task_Completion', 'ResponsibleEmployee/Employee_Full_Name' ] }; return ( <React.Fragment> <h2 className={'content-block'}>Hệ thống tài khoản</h2> {/*<DataGrid*/} {/* className={'dx-card wide-card'}*/} {/* dataSource={dataSource}*/} {/* showBorders={false}*/} {/* focusedRowEnabled={true}*/} {/* defaultFocusedRowIndex={0}*/} {/* columnAutoWidth={true}*/} {/* columnHidingEnabled={true}*/} {/*>*/} {/* <Paging defaultPageSize={10}/>*/} {/* <Pager showPageSizeSelector={true} showInfo={true}/>*/} {/* <FilterRow visible={true}/>*/} {/* <Column dataField={'Task_ID'} width={90} hidingPriority={2}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Subject'}*/} {/* width={190}*/} {/* caption={'Tài khoản'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={8}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Tên Tiếng Anh'}*/} {/* caption={'Status'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={6}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Trạng thái theo dõi'}*/} {/* caption={'Priority'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={5}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'ResponsibleEmployee.Employee_Full_Name'}*/} {/* caption={'Loại tài khoản'}*/} {/* allowSorting={false}*/} {/* hidingPriority={7}/>*/} {/* <Column dataField={'Task_Start_Date'} caption={'Start Date'} dataType={'date'} hidingPriority={3}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Due_Date'}*/} {/* caption={'Due Date'}*/} {/* dataType={'date'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={4}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Priority'}*/} {/* caption={'Priority'}*/} {/* name={'Priority'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={1}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Completion'}*/} {/* caption={'Completion'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={0}*/} {/* />*/} {/*</DataGrid>*/} </React.Fragment> ) }
This stuff works ok:
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/account/all' --header 'Authorization: Bearer Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkb25odXZ5IiwiYXVkIjoiMSIsInNjb3BlcyI6W3siYXV0aG9yaXR5IjoiUk9MRV9BRE1JTiJ9XSwiaXNzIjoic3lzdGVtIiwiaWF0IjoxNjU1MTIwMjA1LCJleHAiOjE2NTUxMzgyMDV9.YrHemJMFLFazc9uqknvG9KV_wzr26DBiVWc0r8I5xhU' --data-raw ''
I try hard for a GET request, but not success. I don’t know how to attach Bearer token to request. Please help me call GET request then return data.
Here is a documented example of how to do a “clean” component in your use case, I also put Bearer in capitalize so the call should work
import React from 'react'; import 'devextreme/data/odata/store'; import axios from 'axios'; import DataGrid, { Column, Pager, Paging, FilterRow, Lookup } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import apiClient from '../../http-common'; export default function Accounts() { /* ** state are special variable that are used to store data in react ** every time we change the state using the setSomething function, the component will re-render ** exemple: const [count, setCount] = useState(0); ** setCount(count + 1); <== trigger a rerender of the component */ const [dataSource, setDataSource] = React.useState([]); // <== here we use the useState to be able to show the data after we fetch it // on first render we will have no data, but when the data is fetched and stored in the state, it will trigger a rereder of the component /* ** the callback inside the useEffect is called every time the dependencies array changes ** if you put an empty array [] as dependencies, the callback is called only once when the component is mounted ** if you put nothing as dependencies, the callback is called every time the component is updated ** if you put variables as dependencies, the callback is called every time one of those variables changes */ React.useEffect(() => { async function getData() { const bearer_token = `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('token')}`; try { const config = { headers: { Authorization: bearer_token } }; const res = await apiClient.get('/account/all', config); // <== Here we use await keywords to get the result of the Promise, check internet if it's blurry for you setDataSource(res.data); // Maybe do some work on res.data to get the expected format } catch (err) { // here display a message to the user or something else console.error(err.message); } } getData(); // <== here we call the function to get the data }, []); // dependencies array is empty, so the callback is called only once when the component is mounted return ( <React.Fragment> <h2 className={'content-block'}>Hệ thống tài khoản</h2> {/*<DataGrid*/} {/* className={'dx-card wide-card'}*/} {/* dataSource={dataSource}*/} {/* showBorders={false}*/} {/* focusedRowEnabled={true}*/} {/* defaultFocusedRowIndex={0}*/} {/* columnAutoWidth={true}*/} {/* columnHidingEnabled={true}*/} {/*>*/} {/* <Paging defaultPageSize={10}/>*/} {/* <Pager showPageSizeSelector={true} showInfo={true}/>*/} {/* <FilterRow visible={true}/>*/} {/* <Column dataField={'Task_ID'} width={90} hidingPriority={2}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Subject'}*/} {/* width={190}*/} {/* caption={'Tài khoản'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={8}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Tên Tiếng Anh'}*/} {/* caption={'Status'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={6}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Trạng thái theo dõi'}*/} {/* caption={'Priority'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={5}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'ResponsibleEmployee.Employee_Full_Name'}*/} {/* caption={'Loại tài khoản'}*/} {/* allowSorting={false}*/} {/* hidingPriority={7}/>*/} {/* <Column dataField={'Task_Start_Date'} caption={'Start Date'} dataType={'date'} hidingPriority={3}/>*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Due_Date'}*/} {/* caption={'Due Date'}*/} {/* dataType={'date'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={4}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Priority'}*/} {/* caption={'Priority'}*/} {/* name={'Priority'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={1}*/} {/* />*/} {/* <Column*/} {/* dataField={'Task_Completion'}*/} {/* caption={'Completion'}*/} {/* hidingPriority={0}*/} {/* />*/} {/*</DataGrid>*/} </React.Fragment> ); }