I need to calculate coefficients of polynomial using Lagrange interpolation polynomial, as my homework, I decide to do this in Javascript.
here is definition of Lagrange polynomial (L(x))
Lagrange basis polynomials are defined as follows
Calculate y value for specific X (W(x) function) is simple but I need to calculate coefficients of polynomial (array of [a0, a1, …, an]) I need to do this to n<=10 but it will be nice to have arbitrary n, then I can put that function into horner function and draw that polynomial.
I have function that calculate denominator in first equation
function denominator(i, points) {
var result = 1;
var x_i = points[i].x;
for (var j=points.length; j--;) {
if (i != j) {
result *= x_i - points[j].x;
return result;
and function that return y using horner method (I also have drawing function using canvas)
function horner(array, x_scale, y_scale) {
function recur(x, i, array) {
if (i == 0) {
return x*array[0];
} else {
return array[i] + x*recur(x, --i, array);
return function(x) {
return recur(x*x_scale, array.length-1, array)*y_scale;
anybody know algorithm to do this, or idea how to calculate those coefficients
Well, you can do it the naive way. Represent a polynomial by the array of its coefficients, the array
[a_0,a_1, ,a_n]
corresponding to a_0 + a_1*X + ... + a_n*X^n
. I’m no good with JavaScript, so pseudocode will have to do:
coefficients = [1/denominator(i,points)]
for k = 0 to points.length-1
if k == i
next k
new_coefficients = [0,0, ,0] // length k+2 if k < i, k+1 if k > i
if k < i
m = k
m = k-1
for j = m downto 0
new_coefficients[j+1] += coefficients[j]
new_coefficients[j] -= points[k]*coefficients[j]
coefficients = new_coefficients
return coefficients
Start with the constant polynomial 1/((x_1-x_0)* ... *(x_i-x_{i-1})*(x_i-x_{i+1})*...*(x_i-x_n))
and multiply with X - x_k
for all k != i
. So that gives the coefficients for Li, then you just multiply them with yi (you could do that by initialising coefficients
to y_i/denominator(i,points)
if you pass the y-values as parameters) and add all the coefficients together finally.
polynomial = [0,0, ,0] // points.length entries
for i = 0 to points.length-1
coefficients = interpolation_polynomial(i,points)
for k = 0 to points.length-1
polynomial[k] += y[i]*coefficients[k]
Calculating each Li is O(n²), so the total calculation is O(n³).
Update: In your jsFiddle, you had an error in the polynomial multiplication loop in addition to (the now corrected) mistake with the start index I made, it should be
for (var j= (k < i) ? (k+1) : k; j--;) {
new_coefficients[j+1] += coefficients[j];
new_coefficients[j] -= points[k].x*coefficients[j];
Since you decrement j
when testing, it needs to start one higher.
That doesn’t produce a correct interpolation yet, but it’s at least more sensible than before.
Also, in your horner
function horner(array, x_scale, y_scale) {
function recur(x, i, array) {
if (i == 0) {
return x*array[0];
} else {
return array[i] + x*recur(x, --i, array);
return function(x) {
return recur(x*x_scale, array.length-1, array)*y_scale;
you multiply the highest coefficient twice with x
, it should be
if (i == 0) {
return array[0];
instead. Still no good result, though.
Update2: Final typo fixes, the following works:
function horner(array, x_scale, y_scale) {
function recur(x, i, array) {
if (i == 0) {
return array[0];
} else {
return array[i] + x*recur(x, --i, array);
return function(x) {
return recur(x*x_scale, array.length-1, array)*y_scale;
// initialize array
function zeros(n) {
var array = new Array(n);
for (var i=n; i--;) {
array[i] = 0;
return array;
function denominator(i, points) {
var result = 1;
var x_i = points[i].x;
for (var j=points.length; j--;) {
if (i != j) {
result *= x_i - points[j].x;
return result;
// calculate coefficients for Li polynomial
function interpolation_polynomial(i, points) {
var coefficients = zeros(points.length);
// alert("Denominator " + i + ": " + denominator(i,points));
coefficients[0] = 1/denominator(i,points);
//new Array(points.length);
/*for (var s=points.length; s--;) {
coefficients[s] = 1/denominator(i,points);
var new_coefficients;
for (var k = 0; k<points.length; k++) {
if (k == i) {
new_coefficients = zeros(points.length);
for (var j= (k < i) ? k+1 : k; j--;) {
new_coefficients[j+1] += coefficients[j];
new_coefficients[j] -= points[k].x*coefficients[j];
coefficients = new_coefficients;
return coefficients;
// calculate coefficients of polynomial
function Lagrange(points) {
var polynomial = zeros(points.length);
var coefficients;
for (var i=0; i<points.length; ++i) {
coefficients = interpolation_polynomial(i, points);
for (var k=0; k<points.length; ++k) {
// console.log(points[k].y*coefficients[k]);
polynomial[k] += points[i].y*coefficients[k];
return polynomial;