I’m new to Vue.js and trying to bind option data from the API response.
I have written axios call from the mounted() and assigned companies form the response but I’m getting defined error as per below.
373:11 error 'companies' is not defined no-undef 444:7 error 'companies' is not defined no-undef
I have assigned the API response data to the company but why it’s not working so can someone guide.
Template Part:
<template> .... <validation-provider #default="validationContext" name="Company" rules="required" > <b-form-group label="Company" label-for="company" :state="getValidationState(validationContext)" > <v-select v-model="userData.company" :dir="$store.state.appConfig.isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'" :options="companies" :clearable="false" input-id="company" /> <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="getValidationState(validationContext)"> {{ validationContext.errors[0] }} </b-form-invalid-feedback> </b-form-group> </validation-provider> ..... </template>
Script Part:
<script> import { BSidebar, BForm, BFormGroup, BFormInput, BFormInvalidFeedback, BButton, } from 'bootstrap-vue' import { useToast } from 'vue-toastification/composition' import ToastificationContent from '@core/components/toastification/ToastificationContent.vue' import { ValidationProvider, ValidationObserver } from 'vee-validate' import { ref } from '@vue/composition-api' import { required, alphaNum, email } from '@validations' import formValidation from '@core/comp-functions/forms/form-validation' import Ripple from 'vue-ripple-directive' import vSelect from 'vue-select' import countries from '@/@fake-db/data/other/countries' import store from '@/store' import axios from '@/libs/axios' export default { components: { BSidebar, BForm, BFormGroup, BFormInput, BFormInvalidFeedback, BButton, vSelect, // Form Validation ValidationProvider, ValidationObserver, }, directives: { Ripple, }, model: { prop: 'isAddNewUserSidebarActive', event: 'update:is-add-new-user-sidebar-active', }, props: { isAddNewUserSidebarActive: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, roleOptions: { type: Array, required: true, }, planOptions: { type: Array, required: true, }, }, data() { return { required, alphaNum, email, countries, } }, mounted() { const accessToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData')) axios.get('companies/all', { headers: { Authorization: accessToken.accessToken, }, }) .then( response => { companies = response.data }, ) }, setup(props, { emit }) { const blankUserData = { name: '', username: '', email: '', password: '', role: null, currentPlan: null, company: '', country: '', contact: '', } const userData = ref(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(blankUserData))) const resetuserData = () => { userData.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(blankUserData)) } const toast = useToast() // const companies = companies const onSubmit = () => { store.dispatch('app-user/addUser', userData.value) .then( response => { if (response.status === 1) { emit('refetch-data') emit('update:is-add-new-user-sidebar-active', false) toast({ component: ToastificationContent, props: { title: response.message, icon: 'CheckIcon', variant: 'success', }, }) } else { toast({ component: ToastificationContent, props: { title: response.message, icon: 'InfoIcon', variant: 'danger', }, }) } }, error => { console.log(error) }, ) } const { refFormObserver, getValidationState, resetForm, } = formValidation(resetuserData) return { userData, onSubmit, refFormObserver, getValidationState, resetForm, companies, } }, } </script>
You need to define companies
in data function:
data() { return { required: false, alphaNum : null, email: '', countries: [], companies: [] } },
then in hook you need to use this
async mounted() { const accessToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData')) await axios.get('companies/all', { headers: { Authorization: accessToken.accessToken, }, }) .then( response => { this.companies = response.data this.companies = this.companies.map(c => c.label) }, ) },