I have been following up many articles to learn making chat application with Node.js and Socket.io. Everything is clear and I can make an application moving messages from client to server and emitting to all etc but only one thing is not clearing and cannot figure this out.
How can I add rooms to io.sockets.manager.room
What is the code to add rooms to sockets.manager
? The most simple and thorough article I found is http://udidu.blogspot.com/2012/11/chat-evolution-nodejs-and-socketio.html but after a long struggle I still could not find where the author adds new rooms to server.
returns list of rooms. Your question is not correct. You don’t add rooms to io.sockets.manager.room
instead you make a socket join a room and that room is added to io.sockets.manager.room
To make a socket join a room use this:
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){ var room = 'Your room name'; socket.room = room; socket.join(room); socket.on('disconnect', function(){ socket.leave(socket.room); }); });