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how to add delay in javascript

function abc(elm){
    this.$elm =  document.querySelector(elm)

abc.prototype.addClass =  function (str){
    return this

abc.prototype.removeClass =  function (str){
    return this

abc.prototype.delay =  function (timer){
   let self = this
    return self
    return this

function $(str){
  return new abc(str);

let x = $('#test').delay(5000).delay(1000).addClass('red');


I want to add red class after 6 secs.I tried like using setTimeout but not work.could you please suggest the better way ?

I want to write a delay function which delay for sometime before proceeding/executing next code.



You can make a very simple queue of tasks to be executed based off promises. Since the promise execution already uses a task queue, you just need to keep a single promise and any time you get a new thing to add, you chain it via .then() and keep the latest promise. That way if you add three tasks T1 -> T2 -> T3, they would resolve in the order they were added. If you add a task that just adds a simple delay between them like T1 -> wait 6 seconds -> T2 -> wait 5 seconds -> T3 then that will run also space out the executions.

This is a sample implementation to illustrate the idea that utilises thunks (functions that take no parameters) as task to delay and execute later.

function abc(elm){
    this.$elm =  document.querySelector(elm)
    this.queue = Promise.resolve();

 * Uniform way of adding a task for later execution
 * @param {Function} task - a thunk to be executed later
 * @param {number} [delay=0] time in milliseconds to wait after last task finished before executing this on
abc.prototype.addTask = function(task, delay = 0) {
  const waitFor = () => new Promise( res => setTimeout(res, delay) );
  this.queue = this.queue

abc.prototype.addClass =  function (str){
  this.addTask(() => this.$elm.classList.add(str));
  return this

abc.prototype.removeClass =  function (str){
  this.addTask(() => this.$elm.classList.remove(str));
  return this

abc.prototype.delay =  function (timer){
  // add an empty function as a task. If needed this can also do logging or other internal logic
  this.addTask(() => {}, timer);
  return this

function $(str){
  return new abc(str);


let x = $('#test').delay(5000).delay(1000).addClass('red');

  .delay(1000) //5 seconds
.red {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;
<p id="test">
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