I want a single number that represents the current date and time, like a Unix timestamp.
Timestamp in milliseconds
To get the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch, call Date.now
Alternatively, use the unary operator +
to call Date.prototype.valueOf
+ new Date()
Alternatively, call valueOf
new Date().valueOf()
To support IE8 and earlier (see compatibility table), create a shim for Date.now
if (!Date.now) { Date.now = function() { return new Date().getTime(); } }
Alternatively, call getTime
new Date().getTime()
Timestamp in seconds
To get the number of seconds since Unix epoch, i.e. Unix timestamp:
Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
Alternatively, using bitwise-or to floor is slightly faster, but also less readable and may break in the future (see explanations 1, 2):
Date.now() / 1000 | 0
Timestamp in milliseconds (higher resolution)
Use performance.now
var isPerformanceSupported = ( window.performance && window.performance.now && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ); var timeStampInMs = ( isPerformanceSupported ? window.performance.now() + window.performance.timing.navigationStart : Date.now() ); console.log(timeStampInMs, Date.now());