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How do I set the value of an element in a hidden array to zero?

I am trying to total a number of rows based on their name. It works fine as shown below…

var total = 0;
$("input[name$='-line_item_january']").each(function(index, element) {
    var val = parseFloat($(element).val());
    if (!isNaN(val)) {
         total += val;

I am now running into an issue whereby if the user hides the row…the value of the -line_item_january is still being included in my totals because the line_item_january is not hidden but the array is. From what I gather…from the rest of my program my best bet is to zero out the fields that are hidden in the array so that my computations are correct.

I tried to do something like…

$('[name=updatebudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_january]').value = '0';

But it’s not working. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on what I might be doing incorrectly.



Depending on how your “rows” are structured, you can add :visible to the selector, eg:

$("input[name$='-line_item_january']:visible").each(function(index, element) {

Alternatively, you can add/remove a class on the row/container and include that in the selector, eg:

$(".active input[name$=....`

Then when you hide the row, also remove that class from the container/row so that it affects all the inputs in the row/container – then the items that aren’t in an active row/container won’t be included.

Regarding setting the value=’0′ your line:

$('[name=updatebudgetlineitem_set-1-line_item_january]').value = '0';

mixes DOM methods and jquery, for jquery use .val("0")

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