I am working with monaco editor aka the VS Code engine in a web project.
I am using it to allow users to edit some JSON that has a JSON Schema set, to help give some auto-completion.
When they save their changes and wish to re-edit their work, the JSON that I load back into the editor is converted to a string but this renders the code out on a single line and I would much prefer the JSON to be prettier as if the user right clicks and uses the Format Document command from the context menu or keyboard shortcut etc..
So this
{ "enable": true, "description": "Something" }
Would become this
{ "enable": true, "description:" "Something" }
Current attempt
I have tried the following but it feels very hacky to use a timeout to wait/guess when the content has loaded
require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() { // JSON object we want to edit const jsonCode = [{ "enabled": true, "description": "something" }]; const modelUri = monaco.Uri.parse("json://grid/settings.json"); const jsonModel = monaco.editor.createModel(JSON.stringify(jsonCode), "json", modelUri); const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), { model: jsonModel }); // TODO: YUK see if we can remove timeout, as waiting for the model/content to be set is weird // Must be some nice native event?! // ALSO ITS SUPER JARRING WITH FLASH OF CHANGE setTimeout(function() { editor.getAction('editor.action.formatDocument').run(); }, 100); });
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.19.3/min/vs/loader.js"></script> <script> require.config({ paths: { 'vs': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.19.3/min/vs' } }); </script> <div id="container" style="width:800px;height:600px;border:1px solid grey"></div>
Does anyone have a better idea or solution to this please?
require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() { // JSON object we want to edit const jsonCode = [{ "enabled": true, "description": "something" }]; const modelUri = monaco.Uri.parse("json://grid/settings.json"); const jsonModel = monaco.editor.createModel(JSON.stringify(jsonCode, null, 't'), "json", modelUri); const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), { model: jsonModel }); });
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.19.3/min/vs/loader.js"></script> <script> require.config({ paths: { 'vs': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.19.3/min/vs' } }); </script> <div id="container" style="width:800px;height:600px;border:1px solid grey"></div>
Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/1378051/dalie for reminding me about the extra arguments to JSON.stringify
Use the tab character for the space argument
const jsonModel = monaco.editor.createModel(JSON.stringify(jsonCode, null, 't'), "json", modelUri);