I’m pretty trash at coding so I need a little bit of help. I’m trying to code my discord bot to delete someone’s messages for one minute after they click a react emoji. It sounds simple but for my tiny pea brain, it’s not. This is what I have got so far. It deletes all messages from different users and guilds it’s in, forever. I want it so it only delete messages in one channel for one minute.
client.once('message', async userMessage => { if (userMessage.content.startsWith('')) { botMessage = await userMessage.channel.send('Who here likes goats?') await botMessage.react("👍") await botMessage.react("👎") const filter = (reaction, user) => { return ( ["👍", "👎"].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === userMessage.author.id ); }; botMessage .awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1, time: 60000, errors: ["time"] }) .then((collected) => { const reaction = collected.first(); if (reaction.emoji.name === "👎") { userMessage.channel.send(`${userMessage.author}, how dare you. I guess no on here likes me. Hmmm, because of that I shall now eat all your messages! BAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHA!`) setTimeout(() => { client.on("message", async msg => { if (author.msg.content.startsWith("")) { userMessage.channel = await msg.delete(); } }); }, 2000); } else { userMessage.reply("Thanks!"); } }) .catch((_collected) => { userMessage.channel.send("Hehe") }); } });
Btw, the code is in discord.js!
Your problem is this chunk of code
setTimeout(() => { client.on("message", async msg => { if (author.msg.content.startsWith("")) { userMessage.channel = await msg.delete(); } }); }, 2000);
This is not how you use events.
A) Your message event is nested within another which could cause memory leaks.
B) To get the content you need to use msg.content
, author.msg
Is not a thing.
C) I assume your intention here: msg.content.startsWith("")
is to always fire the if statement, in that case why not do if (true)
Here’s how I would do it:
Create a Set in the namespace which will hold id’s of users who’s messages should be deleted
const toDelete = new Set();
If they react with a 👎 add them to the set.
if (reaction.emoji.name === "👎") { userMessage.channel.send('Your message here'); if (!toDelete.has(userMessage.author.id)) { toDelete.add(userMessage.author.id); } }
On each message event check if the author of the message has their id in the set, If so delete their message
client.once('message', async userMessage => { if (toDelete.has(userMessage.author.id)) { return userMessage.delete() .catch(console.error); } if (userMessage.content.startsWith('')) { // Rest of your code