I am attempting to clear a leaflet map in react when fetching new data to map, and i am unsure how to approach this. I saw this post but not sure how exactly to apply it.
Right now I have a function that fetches 1 of 2 geojsons I have loaded.
//SWAP FILES AS EXAMPLE fetchData = () => { //MAP SHOULD CLEAR EVERYTIME NEW DATA IS FETCHED if(this.state.loaded === 1) { fetch( "https://raw.githack.com/datafaust/raw/main/cruise-prototype/hh_2020112300_2020120623_Saturday_02.geojson" ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((geojson) => { this.setState({ geojson, loaded: 2 }); }); } else { fetch( "https://raw.githack.com/datafaust/raw/main/cruise-prototype/hh_2020112300_2020120623_Saturday_03.geojson" ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((geojson) => { this.setState({ geojson, loaded: 1 }); }); } };
This is merely a test to get the functionality down. Right now if I click the fetch data button
after the initial load, leaflet maps the new geojson on top. How would I clear the mapped information so that the new geojson is mapped fresh?
I have a code sand box here:
Create a variable outside Choro
let savedGeojson = {};
Inside useEffect make it equal with the L.choropleth
instance. If it exists remove the geojson from the map else save the new one by replacing the last saved.
useEffect(() => { if (Object.keys(props.geojson).length > 0) { if (savedGeojson) map.removeLayer(savedGeojson); savedGeojson = L.choropleth(props.geojson, { valueProperty: "DIFF", // which property in the features to use scale: ["white", "red"], // chroma.js scale - include as many as you like steps: 5, // number of breaks or steps in range mode: "q", // q for quantile, e for equidistant, k for k-means //style, onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup( "Total " + feature.properties.DIFF + "<br>" //+ // feature.properties.incidents.toLocaleString() + // " incidents" ); } }).addTo(map); } }, [props.geojson]); return null; }