I was looking and struggling to the following example:
var player1= {name: "Chris", score: 1000, rank: 1};
var player2= {name: "Kristofer", score: 100000, rank: 2};
function playerDetails(){
alert("The name of the player is "+ this.name + "."+ " His score is : "+ this.score + "and his rank : "+ this.rank);
player1.logDetails= playerDetails;
player2.logDetails= playerDetails;
As far as I know player1.logDetails
is a property of player1 or a method of player1.
So I can’t understand how the author assigns a property to a function.
Also I don’t get why you would write it like that instead of :
player1.logDetails= playerDetails();
which I have tried and doesn’t work.
Then he calls player1.logDetails()
which is a function but not declared anywhere.(?)
If anyone could help?? Thank you in advance
If the code was written like this, I bet you understand it:
var player1 = {
name: "Chris",
score: 1000,
rank: 1,
playerDetails: function() { alert('The name is '+ this.name) }
var player2 = {
name: "Kristofer",
score: 10000,
rank: 2,
playerDetails: function() { alert('The name is '+ this.name) }
The author of the code wanted to define the “playerDetails()” function once.
Another way of showing this in a simplified manner is:
var player1 = {
name: "Chris",
score: 1000,
rank: 1
player1.playerDetails=function() { alert('The name is '+ this.name) }
var player2 = {
name: "Kristofer",
score: 10000,
rank: 2
player2.playerDetails=function() { alert('The name is '+ this.name) }
So if you wanted to optimize the code above by only writing the playerDetails function once, it would look like the code in your post.
If I had written the code block, I might have written it like this: (which is easy to read)
function playerDetailsFunc() {alert('The name is '+ this.name) }
var player1 = {
name: "Chris",
score: 1000,
rank: 1,
playerDetails: playerDetailsFunc
var player2 = {
name: "Kristofer",
score: 10000,
rank: 2,
playerDetails: playerDetailsFunc