How can we test the alert and text inside is displaying using Js automation framework? I am unable to figure out the relevant example in Cypress documentation, please advise.
describe('Test an alert and the text displaying', function() { it('Verify alert and its text content', function(){ cy.visit('') cy.get('button').contains('Click me!').click() cy.on ('window:alert', 'I am an alert box!') }) })
Figured out the answer using cy.stub() method as advised by Richard Matsen:
describe('Test an alert and the text displaying', function() { it('Verify alert and its text content', function(){ cy.visit('') const stub = cy.stub() cy.on ('window:alert', stub) cy .get('button').contains('Click me!').click() .then(() => { expect(stub.getCall(0))'I am an alert box!') }) }) })