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How can I wait until the functions finish in Reactjs?

Hi I am new to reactjs and I am trying to build button with a function doing some calculation by Reactjs. The logic is, first I will get two lists from database by two functions. After these 2 functions return results and setState, the calculate function will continue and do its job. But somehow the state is not being updated and it will crash. How can I secure the state is being updated before to the calculate? Thanks a lot!



Tried Promise;




I think the issue here is self.getDividend(); and self.getDivisor(); are async operations. They will take some time to complete. By the time you hit the next line const { dividendList , divisorList} = self.state;, these operations are not complete and you will end up getting empty lists.

One way to address this is using moving your doCal function logic after getDividend and getDivisor are completed. You can also execute these in parallel instead of in a sequence. I used async format instead of .then(). It is just a sysntatic sugar. You can achieve the same using .then() if you prefer that way


Using .then()

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