I have JSON object called finData
which holds arrays of data. I would like to map through one array, for my case, finData[0]
, while also grabbing data from other arrays inside the JSON, ie. finData[1]
, finData[2]
, etc…
Everything works fine and dandy mapping through one array. However, when I bring an outside array into my mapping function, things start to act funky:
This works fine
<Grid container spacing={5} alignItems="flex-end"> {finData[0]?.slice((page - 1) * itemsPerPage, page * itemsPerPage) .map((data,index) => { return ( <Grid item key={index} xs={12} md={3}> <Card className="miniGraphCards"> <CardHeader title={ <Chip label={data.symbol} className="miniGraphTicker" /> } subheader={data.adj_close} /> <CardContent > <MiniGraphs historicalPrice={historicalPrice.filter( (i) => i.symbol === data.symbol )} dateRange={date} symbol={data.symbol} /> </CardContent> </Card> </Grid> ); })} </Grid>
This does not work
<Grid container spacing={5} alignItems="flex-end"> {finData[0]?.slice((page - 1) * itemsPerPage, page * itemsPerPage) .map((data,index) => { return ( <Grid item key={index} xs={12} md={3}> <Card className="miniGraphCards"> <CardHeader title={ <Chip label={data.symbol} className="miniGraphTicker" /> + finData[2][index].company } subheader={data.adj_close} /> <CardContent > <MiniGraphs historicalPrice={historicalPrice.filter( (i) => i.symbol === data.symbol )} dateRange={date} symbol={data.symbol} /> </CardContent> </Card> </Grid> ); })} </Grid>
Plus it seems like I need to attach a filter like this to the JSON key to select the correct matching value during mapping iterations.
.filter((i) => i.symbol === data.symbol)
But it does not work when I do this:
finData[2].company.filter((i) => i.symbol === data.symbol)
As I get this error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined
How can I use other data points in my JSON, finData
and attach a working filter to select it’s corresponding symbol
you can’t concat variable to tag like this, update your title as
title={ <> <Chip label={data.symbol} className="miniGraphTicker" /> {finData[2][index].company} </> }