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How can I get other item not just first one on click in jquery

I created like a mini shop with 4 items and now I want to change the quantity of that items and be able to add them to a cart I created when I click button + to grab my item id but why is only grabbing me first id how can I get other items id by clicking it on same class for all of them here is the code

    // Creating ajax request to get all items from the server
        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(response){
            var html = '';
                html += '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3 Single_Product" id="'+data["id"]+'">'+
                          '<div class="card mb-4 box-shadow">'+
                            '<img class="card-img-top" src="'+ data["image"] +'" data-holder-rendered="true">'+
                                '<div class="card-body">'+
                                    '<p class="card-text cc-name">'+data["name"]+'</p>'+
                                    '<div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">'+
                                        '<div class="btn-group">'+
                                            '<div class="Qty_Box">'+
                                                '<span class="Qty_Minus">-</span>'+
                                                '<input class="qty_value" type="text" value="1" name="qty">'+
                                                '<span class="Qty_Plus">+</span>'+
                                        '<label for="cart_drawer_action" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary add_to_cart">Add to cart</label>'+
                                        '<small class="text-muted price">'+data["currency"]+data["price"]+'</small>'+

            // Adding quantity
                var id = $(".Single_Product").attr("id");


                var i =  $("#"+id+" .qty_value").val() * 1 + 1;
                $("#"+id+" .qty_value").val(i);
            // Decrise quantity
                var id = $(".Single_Product").attr("id");

                if($(".qty_value").val() != 1){
                   var i =  $("#"+id+" .qty_value").val() * 1 - 1;
                   $("#"+id+" .qty_value").val(i);
            // Add to cart
                var id = $(".Single_Product").attr("id");

                var image = $("#"+id+" .card-img-top").attr("src");
                var name = $("#"+id+" .cc-name").html();
                var qty = $("#"+id+" .qty_value").val();
                var price = $("#"+id+" .price").html();

                html = '<div class="Cart_Item">'+
                    '<div class="Cart_Img"><img src="'+ image +'" alt="product"/></div>'+
                    '<div class="Cart_Name"><p>'+ name +'</p></div>'+
                    '<div class="Cart_Price"><p>'+ qty +'</p></div>'+
                    '<div class="Cart_Price"><p>'+ price +'</p></div>'+
                    '<div class="Cart_Price"><p>'+ price +'</p></div>'+




Using var id = $(".Single_Product").attr("id"); can only return one id from the matching selectors so it always returns the first one.

You can use siblings('.qty_value') to target the associated input or closest('.Qty_Box').find('.qty_value')

Something like:

      var $input = $(this).siblings('.qty_value')
      $input.val( +$input.val() +1)
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