The situation is as follows: I did a search on google drive, after the search, the found files or folders are displayed. And now, when I go to the found folder, I want to receive data about all other parent folders of this folder with names for navigation on the site. Can you please tell me how can I do this?
I did the search like this: .list({ q: `name contains '${state.searchFileNameValue}'`, fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime, mimeType, webViewLink, parents, sharingUser, webContentLink)' })
You can retrieve the ids of the closest parents of a file by setting fields
to files(parents)
for the method Files:list or simply parents
for the method Files:get
However, this works only for one level – to retrieve the parents of the nesting level above you will need to implement iteration that retrieves the parents of the parents etc. until the response is empty ({}
Unfortunately there is no way to obtain all parents this in a single request.