I just want to add a fade in animation to next index. i found a package called “react transition group” but all tutorials were based on class components or redux I didn’t understand anything.
const AboutTestimonials = () => { const [index, setIndex] = useState<any>(0); const [data] = useState(AddTestimonial); const current = data[index]; return ( <div className="testimonials__container"> <div className="testimonials__description"> <h3>TESTIMONIALS</h3> <p>{current.quote}</p> <h5 className="author__testimonials">{current.postedby}</h5> <h6 className="job__testimonials">{current.profession}</h6> </div> <div className="testimonials__pagination"> <Image src={leftarrow} alt="arrow" onClick={() => setIndex(index > 0 ? index - 1 : index)} className="pagination__arrows" /> <p>{index + 1} / 5</p> <Image src={rightarrow} alt="arrow" onClick={() => setIndex(index < 4 ? index + 1 : index)} className="pagination__arrows" /> </div>
waits for the old child to exit then render the new child as mentioned in the react transition group website.
there are two modes:
- in-out
- out-in
the important factor is changing the key prop of the child component.child component could be CSSTransition
or Transition
.if you want the transition changes simultaneously you can use the TransitionGroup
side note: if you want to use the
in your component and you don’t want to change the state (I noticed there is no second argument for setting the data), there is no need to declare auseState
.it is much better to setAddTestimonial
as a prop onAboutTestimonials
import { CSSTransition, SwitchTransition } from 'react-transition-group'; const AboutTestimonials = () => { const [index, setIndex] = useState<any>(0); const [data] = useState(AddTestimonial); const current = data[index]; return ( <div className="testimonials__container"> <div className="testimonials__description"> <h3>TESTIMONIALS</h3> <SwitchTransition mode={'out-in'} > <CSSTransition key={index} timeout={300} classNames="fade" > <> <p>{current.quote}</p> <h5 className="author__testimonials">{current.postedby}</h5> <h6 className="job__testimonials">{current.profession}</h6> </> </CSSTransition> </SwitchTransition> </div> <div className="testimonials__pagination"> <Image src={leftarrow} alt="arrow" onClick={() => setIndex(index > 0 ? index - 1 : index)} className="pagination__arrows" /> <p>{index + 1} / 5</p> <Image src={rightarrow} alt="arrow" onClick={() => setIndex(index < 4 ? index + 1 : index)} className="pagination__arrows" /> </div> )}
.fade-enter { opacity: 0; } .fade-enter-active { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 300ms; } .fade-exit { opacity: 1; } .fade-exit-active { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 300ms; }