I do not have a clue why I cannot sterilize my user object array server side. I am having issues accessing any properties at all server side no matter what I’ve tried I get either errors or empty results. In my Flutter/Dart code I can access any properties as normal but of course I do not want users to be able to get all such data.
So the question is, why can’t I access properties server side and how can I do this?
EDIT: On some help in comments it has been discovered that this “object” is not in fact an array, this makes things more difficult. Also does not make sense that I can access the “not array” normally in my flutter dart code… any ideas whats wrong?
For below I am following this My code that works, returning a list of Parse User objects:
Parse.Cloud.define("ccRoleUsersQuery", async function(request) {
const query = await new Parse.Query(Parse.Role).equalTo('users', request.user).find({ useMasterKey: true })
let users = query[0].getUsers().query().find({ useMasterKey: true });
let steralizedResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
let name = users[i].get("name"); // Does not access object
let publicKey = users[i]["publicKey"]; // Does not access object
return users; // steralizedResults if used returns empty array
Users array returned as above:
[{username: user003, email: user003@parse.com, createdAt: 2021-09-26T23:37:37.594Z,
updatedAt: 2021-10-05T01:25:43.989Z, publicKey: 445trTREttY654FFFGgt5ydfsg, name: 003, ACL: {6m9LPbxD8V: {read: true, write: true}}, objectId: 6m9LPbxD8V, __type: Object, className: _User},
{username: user004, createdAt: 2021-10-03T22:19:27.754Z, updatedAt: 2021-10-06T23:24:07.576Z, email: user004@parse.com, publicKey: GTRg554gtr8yvfdsv43fdsv334, name:
004, ACL: {t9joISsGwO: {read: true, write: true}}, objectId: t9joISsGwO, __type: Object, className: _User}]
‘Tis the season to be async:
success: function(results) {
// results is an array of Parse.Object.
error: function(error) {
// error is an instance of Parse.Error.
Also special functions you can use on the Parse.Query
object: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/parse/index.d.ts (search for class Query