The question is about hiding a message after 5 seconds.
In the code below, if I click on the Generate Room Name button , it will generate the url in the textbox. I will be copying that url using the Copy button and a “Copied to clipboard” message will be displayed. I want to hide that message after 5 seconds. Please someone look into it.
import React from 'react'; import FlashMessage from 'react-flash-message' import Iframe from 'react-iframe'; export default class CustomView extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { roomname: '', copySuccess: '', enablebutton: true } } makeid() { let r = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7); console.log("random", r); this.setState({ roomname: r, enablebutton: false }) } copyToClipboard = (e) => {; document.execCommand('copy');; this.setState({ copySuccess: 'Copied!' }); }; render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.makeid.bind(this)}> Generate RoomName</button> <div style={{ display: "flex", marginLeft: '19%', marginTop: '-2%' }}> <form disabled={this.state.enablebutton}> <textarea style={{ width: "457px", height: "15px" }} disabled={this.state.enablebutton} ref={(textarea) => this.textArea = textarea} value={`${this.state.roomname}`}/> </form> { document.queryCommandSupported('copy') && <div disabled={this.state.enablebutton}> <button onClick={this.copyToClipboard}>Copy</button> <p style={{ color: "red" }}> {this.state.copySuccess}</p> </div> } </div> </div> ); } }
It’s enough to clear the copySuccess
state after 5000 ms:
copyToClipboard = (e) => {; document.execCommand('copy');; this.setState({ copySuccess: 'Copied!' }, () => setTimeout( () => this.setState({ copySuccess: '' }) ,5000)); };