I am given a unix timestamp like this: 1655402413
and am needing to find find the midnight of the Monday (in UTC/GMT format) of the same week, regardless of what day it is or what time zone. I then need to represent that Monday as a unix timestamp and return it. The function I have is as follows:
function findMonday(unixTimeStamp) {
let startDate = new Date(unixTimeStamp);
let startDay = startDate.getDay();
let diff = startDate.getDate() - startDay + (startDay === 0 ? -6 : 1);
let monday = new Date(startDate.setDate(diff));
monday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
monday = new Date(monday).valueOf();
return monday;
That function almost works, but there are two problems, both related to the fact that the Date seems to always work with the user’s current timezone:
- If given a timestamp that evaluates to midnight on a Monday in UTC/GMT format, depending on the time zone of the user, it returns the Monday of the previous week (because
evaluates to the Sunday before the Monday), which is not good. - The
that is returned is in local time, not UTC/GMT time.
This is driving me absolutely insane. Working with dates in JavaScript is a nightmare, and I would appreciate any direction you can give me.
Multiply the unix timestamp by 1000, and use the UTC methods like getUTCDate
instead of getDate
, setUTCHours
instead of setHours
Of course to return as unix time, just divide by 1000.
function findMonday(unixTimeStamp) {
let startDate = new Date(unixTimeStamp * 1000);
let startDay = startDate.getUTCDay();
let diff = startDate.getUTCDate() - startDay + (startDay === 0 ? -6 : 1);
let monday = new Date(startDate.setUTCDate(diff));
monday.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
monday = new Date(monday).valueOf();
return monday;
const monday = findMonday(1655402413);
const unixMonday = Math.trunc(monday / 1000);
console.log('The Date: ' + new Date(monday).toISOString());
console.log('Unix time: ' + unixMonday);