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Getting ‘undefined’ .hexAccentColor value even when force fetching user?

I’m trying to create an info command that pulls the specified users info. As per the discord.js docs, I’m force fetching the specified user to get the .hexAccentColor. The user I’m fetching does have an accent color, yet I get undefined as the value every time I try to get it. Here is my code:

const user = await client.users.fetch(
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      .setTitle(`User info for ${user.username}`)
        { name: "User Tag:", value: `${user.tag}`, inline: true },
        { name: "User ID:", value: `${}`, inline: true },
        { name: "Bot Status:", value: `${}`, inline: true },
          name: "Account Creation Date:",
          value: `${user.createdAt}`,
          inline: false,

All the other information is being passed correctly, it’s just the color values that I’m getting undefined for.



You aren’t actually force fetching. The arguments aren’t correct (see UserManager#fetch()). Here’s how to force fetch a user

const user = await client.users.fetch(
      force: true

But rather than fetching like this, you could do a simple User#fetch(), since interaction.options.getUser returns a User instance

const user = await interaction.options.getUser("user").fetch(true)
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