I am trying to deploy my react application and its not rendering the page properly, It is throwing the below error : react-dom.production.min.js:216 TypeError: Object(…) is not a function.
I have linked the screenshot of the error and the file name along with my github link of the repo.[![
Expense.js import { useState } from "react"; import "../css/Expenses.css"; import Card from "./Card"; import ExpenseItem from "./ExpenseItem"; import Filter from "./Filter"; function Expenses(props){ let data = props.data; let [year,changeYear] = useState("2021"); let data2 = data.filter(function(item){ return(new Date(item.dates).getFullYear().toString() === year); }) let setFilter = function(yearValue){ changeYear(yearValue); } return( <Card className = "card"> <div className="filter-section"> <h3>Filter By Year</h3> <Filter sendData={setFilter} yearVal = {year} className='year-filter-card'/> </div> <div className="expense-wrap"> {data2.length? data2.map(function(expItem) { return <ExpenseItem key={Math.random()*100000} item= {expItem} deleteMe={props.deleteMe}/> }): <h2 className="nodata">No Expense Data</h2> } </div> </Card> ); } export default Expenses;
link to my repo: https://github.com/AbhishekTomr/money-tracker
The issue is resolved now had to use this line:
import React,{ useState } from "react";