I’m desperately trying to recover the value of a callback function but I have no idea how to do that. I have a function where I execute this code:
if (final.error !== undefined) { console.log("Initial authentication:", final.error_description, "Please refresh the authentication grant"); extAuthCallback(84); } else { tokens.set('access_token', final.access_token) .set('expires_in', final.expires_in) .set('refresh_token', final.refresh_token) .set('refresh_date', moment()) .write() extAuthCallback(1); } });
Who performs this function:
function extAuthCallback(result) { return result; }
And which is called by this variable:
let authentication = auth.extAuth(access_token, auth.extAuthCallback);
I would like my `authentication’ variable to take the value returned in the callback, and I have no idea how to do that. Returning the callback function to my original function doesn’t work.
You could use a promise, would need to use an async function as well though.
function asyncExtAuth(access_token) { return new Promise(resolve => { auth.extAuth(access_token, resolve); }); }
let authentication = await asyncExtAuth(access_token);