I am building an employee tracking app. I want my app to work so that after each one of the functions for the various list selections is complete, the app will re-prompt you with the options list again. There are a few methods I can think of to achieve this but I was hoping a more seasoned developer could recommend which method is the best. Thanks!
- make all the functions in the switch statements into promises and then make a promise chain that recalls itself
- try and use async-await instead of a promise chain???
- export the prompt() function and import it and all the other corresponding functions in each lib file
here is the entry point of the app
const db = require('./db/connection'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); // response handling const { viewDepartments, viewRoles, viewEmployees, viewByManager, viewByDepartment } = require('./lib/viewFuncs'); const { addDepartment, addRole, addEmployee } = require('./lib/addFuncs'); const { updateRole, updateManager } = require('./lib/updateFuncs'); const { deleteDepartment, deleteRole, deleteEmployee } = require('./lib/deleteFuncs'); function prompt() { return inquirer.prompt({ name: 'choice', type: 'list', message: 'What would you like to do?', choices: [ 'View all departments', 'View all roles', 'View all employees', 'View employees by manager', 'View employees by department', 'Add a department', 'Add a role', 'Add an employee', 'Update an employee role', 'Update employee manager', 'Delete a department', 'Delete a role', 'Delete an employee', 'EXIT' ] }).then(answer => { switch (answer.choice) { case 'View all departments': viewDepartments(); break; case 'View all roles': viewRoles(); break; case 'View all employees': viewEmployees(); break; case 'View employees by manager': viewByManager(); break; case 'View employees by department': viewByDepartment(); break; case 'Add a department': addDepartment(); break; case 'Add a role': addRole(); break; case 'Add an employee': addEmployee(); break; case 'Update an employee role': updateRole(); break; case 'Update an employee manager': updateManager(); break; case 'Delete a department': deleteDepartment(); break; case 'Delete a role': deleteRole(); break; case 'Delete an employee': deleteEmployee(); break; case 'EXIT': exitApp(); break; default: break; } }) }; // connect to database db.connect(err => { if (err) throw err; console.log('Welcome to the employee-tracker!'); // start the app prompt(); }); // exit the app function exitApp() { console.log('Thank you for using the employee-tracker!') db.end(); };
I think the switch statement is overkill. If you create an object where the key is the option and the function is the value then it is a 1:1 lookup and hypothetically more performant.
Additionally, drop the then statements because we write modern code here. Also congrats on the internship.
const choiceObj = { 'View all departments':viewDepartments(), 'View all roles':viewAllRoles(), ...etc etc } const prompt = async () => { const answer = await inquirer.prompt({ name: 'choice', type: 'list', message: 'What would you like to do?', choices: Object.keys(choiceObj) // returns an array of the object keys }) if (answer) { choiceObj[answer]; alert('answer submitted'); // UX++ setTimeout(function(){ prompt(); // recursion after 2s }, 2000); } };
I can answer any questions in the comment section. Thanks!