Using Meteor, I started with a default Meteor project with…
meteor create --full
I added a route, in router.js, like so:
FlowRouter.route('/group/:_id', { name: '', action() { if (!logged_in()) { FlowRouter.go("App.home"); } else { this.render('App_body', 'Group'); } }, });
router.js is here:
The Group template is this:
<template name="Group"> {{> user_group}} </template>
And for user_group, I have this:
Template.user_group.onCreated(function user_groupOnCreated() { console.log("id", FlowRouter.getParam('_id')); });
This results in:
ReferenceError: FlowRouter is not defined at Blaze.TemplateInstance.user_groupOnCreated (user-group.js:46) at template.js:119 at Function.Template._withTemplateInstanceFunc (template.js:490) at fireCallbacks (template.js:115) at Blaze.View.<anonymous> (template.js:195) at fireCallbacks (view.js:276) at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (tracker.js:603) at view.js:273 at Object.Blaze._withCurrentView (view.js:533) at Object.Blaze._fireCallbacks (view.js:272)
I also do not have access to FlowRouter.go
in my templates.
What am I missing?
You need to import FlowRouter
in every js that actively uses it (in your example the Template):
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router' Template.user_group.onCreated(function user_groupOnCreated() { console.log("id", FlowRouter.getParam('_id')) })