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Firestore: Unable to read document data (Uncaught TypeError: docSnap.exists is not a function at HTMLFormElement)

I am a new developer with no experience in Web apps. I have a collection called “users” in Firestore in which the document IDs are the user’s emails. I am trying to read the data in one of the documents following the example provided by Firebase here

I get two errors:

  • First one is the use of “await”: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word.
  • Second is this message: Uncaught TypeError: docSnap.exists is not a function at HTMLFormElement.

I bypassed the first one by ommiting “await”, but cannot avoid the second. Have you got any idea of what is wrong with my code?

console.log(docSnap) gives the following message: “Promise {pending}”





Looks like you return a Promise and it does not meet the requirements of async/await. Try this way.
