I am using vue.js for my e-commerce project. I want to set the sale time limit in the firestore collection.
ex)If user want to stop to sell his or her product at 15:00, user can input 15:00.
Now I could set the time object in my collection. But I want to convert it to timestamp.
How can I achieve it?
I set this.limit like this way in the template tag.
<b-form-input type="time" v-model="limit"></b-form-input>
This is the script tag.
<script> import fireApp from '@/plugins/firebase' const firebase = require("firebase"); require("firebase/firestore"); const db = firebase.firestore(); let id = String(id); import ErrorBar from '@/components/ErrorBar' import { SpringSpinner } from 'epic-spinners' export default { name: "Products", data() { return { show: false, quantity: "", initial: "", sale: "", limit: "" } }, components: { SpringSpinner }, created() { }, methods: { submitProduct() { var docRefLimit = db.collection('Profile').doc(user.uid).collection('Product').doc('limit') const timestamp = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() docRefLimit.get().then((doc) => { this.show =true; if (doc.exists) { docRefLimit.update({ limit: this.limit.timestamp, }).then(() => { this.show =false }) } else { docRefLimit.set({ limit: this.limit.timestamp, }) .then(() => { this.show =false }) } }).catch((error) => { console.log("Error getting document:", error); }); }, } } </script>
You don’t indicate if the timestamp should take the date of the day.
So let’s imagine you want to add a Timestamp for today at 15:00 to a Firestore document. Do as follows:
const limitHour = this.limit.substring(0, 2); const limitMinutes = this.limit.substring(3, 5); let today = new Date(); today.setHours(limitHour, limitMinutes, 0, 0); var docRefLimit = db.collection('Profile').doc(user.uid).collection('Product').doc('limit'); docRefLimit.update({ limit: today }) .then(() => ...)
Note that firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
“returns a sentinel used with set()
or update()
to include a server-generated timestamp in the written data” which will be calculated by the Firestore backend, not in the frontend.