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Firebase firstore auto increment number not working (React js)

import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/auth';
import 'firebase/compat/firestore';
import { doc, updateDoc,} from "firebase/firestore";
import { db } from "../api/firebase_config";
// const mydb = firebase.firestore()
import React from 'react'
const Mcheck = () => {
async function ResetCounter() {
// userRef.update({ FieldToIncrease: increment });
const dataTable = doc(db, 'mycollection', 'Number');
const increment = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1);
// await updateDoc(dataTable, data)
const res = await updateDoc(dataTable, {
sale: increment
function checkClick() {
return (
<div onClick={checkClick}><input type={"submit"} value='check' /></div>

export default Mcheck

i searched for many solutions but its all say somthing like this. so if any one can help me then it will be very good form me.

here is the error log



I think you’re mixing and matching SDK versions, or at least syntax.

Try using the increment top-level function from the regular v9 SDK (not its compat library).

                       // 👇
import { doc, updateDoc, increment } from "firebase/firestore";
// 👇 remove this
//const increment = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1); 

const res = await updateDoc(dataTable, {
  sale: increment(1) // 👈 this increment is now the function we imported from firestore