I’m trying to filter some products with the categories (by the woocommerce API) but i have a little trouble to do it. do you have the right way to do it? thanks
My array from the API :
{id: 199, name: "Dark Suit", slug: "dark-suit", permalink: "https://caisse.diliko.fr/produit/dark-suit/", date_created: "2020-08-20T10:53:06", …} categories: Array(2) 0: id: 30 name: "Clothing" slug: "clothing" __proto__: Object 1: {id: 31, name: "Men's Clothing", slug: "mens-clothing"} length: 2 __proto__: Array(0)
And my filter function:
export const getProductsById = (products, id) => ( products.filter(product => product.categories.name == id) );
Here’s what you want, I reckon. A filter that checks whether any of the categories of the product has the id you’re looking for.
products = [ { id: 199, name: "Dark Suit", categories: [ { id: 30, name: "Clothing", slug: "clothing" }, { id: 31, name: "Suits", slug: "suits" } ] }, { id: 200, name: "Light Suit", categories: [ { id: 30, name: "Clothing", slug: "clothing" }, { id: 31, name: "Suits", slug: "suits" } ] }, { id: 201, name: "Banana", categories: [ { id: 2, name: "Fruit", slug: "fruit" }, { id: 3, name: "Yellow", slug: "yellow" } ] }, { id: 201, name: "Orange", categories: [ { id: 2, name: "Fruit", slug: "fruit" }, { id: 4, name: "Orange", slug: "orange" } ] } ]; console.log(filter(31)); //suits console.log(filter(2)); // fruit console.log(filter(3)); // yellow function filter(categoryId) { return products.filter(product=>product.categories.some(element=>element.id==categoryId)); }