I’m trying to filter array of objects by using property value and display filter results in dropdown. This is my JSON structure:
var profiles = [{ "name":"Pavan", "exp": 2, "subject":"maths" }, { "name":"Mark", "exp": 6, "subject":"science" }, { "name":"sunny", "exp": 1, "subject":"maths" }, { "name":"Roy", "exp": 2, "subject":"science" }]
Here I want to display names in dropdown where subject is maths. I can able to do filter in ts file and can able to display in dropdown, but I would like to do filter part in template it self. For now I’m displaying all names with below code.
<select name="profile" class="bx--text-input" [formControl]="profile"> <option value="" selected>Select profile name</option> <option [value]="state.name" *ngFor="let state of profiles">{{state.name}}</option> </select>
So if I want to display only subject of maths, how can i filter in template file.
<select name="profile" class="bx--text-input" [formControl]="profile"> <option value="" selected>Select profile name</option> <ng-container *ngFor="let state of profiles;"> <option [value]="state.name" *ngIf="state.subject =='maths'"> {{ state.name }} </option> </ng-container> </select>