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Express Js EJS Layouts Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided

Hi I am trying to use Express EJS Layouts in my app. As soon as I try to app.use(expressEjsLayouts) it throws an error. Without it the application works perfectly fine but I’d like to make use of ExpressEjs-Layouts for my templates. Please be kind I am fairly new to coding 🙂 I’ve looked through many posts already but couldnt find an answer. Here is my server.js


This is the error:




You need to tell express which view engine you’re using. You can do it by using the app.set() method. it takes two parameters 1.what you’re setting. in this case a view engine 2.the type of view engine you wish to use

e.g app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); or app.set('view engine', 'pug');

Here is the documentation
