I want to execute a function and use the output later in my script without calling the function again. I’m trying to use the output of deal().
let playersHand = ["Ace of Clubs", "6 of Hearts"]; function deal(){ let cardPosition = Math.floor(Math.random()*(shuffledDeck.length)); dealCard = shuffledDeck.splice(cardPosition, 1); return dealCard; } function allOfPlayersCards(){ let playersCards = playersHand.concat(deal); console.log(playersCards) } The Console Output is ["Ace of Clubs", "6 of Hearts", ƒ]
If I do deal() it executes deal again, and I use deal the output just says ‘f’.
Thank you, sorry if this is obvious I’m pretty new to coding.
Store the result of deal()
on a variable and reuse the variable instead of calling it again (unless if you want to do calculation again)