This script is to run on multiple spreadsheets and copy (export) selected data to 1 central SS:
function doExportBLC()
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ss_c = ss.getSheetByName('Config');
var TKT = ss_c.getRange(TKR).getValue(); // TKR = Ticket Range
var Export = ss_c.getRange(EBL).getDisplayValue(); // EBL = Export to BLC
var Target_Id = ss_c.getRange(TDR).getValues(); // TDR = Target ID Range
const ss_s = ss.getSheetByName('Index'); // Source sheet
var A = ss_c.getRange('B3').getValue(); // Ticket
var B = ss_c.getRange('B18').getValue(); // Balanço Atual
var C = ss_s.getRange('B38').getValue(); // Ativo
var D = ss_s.getRange('B34').getValue(); // A. Circulante
var E = ss_s.getRange('B40').getValue(); // A. Não Circulante
var F = ss_s.getRange('B41').getValue(); // Passivo
var G = ss_s.getRange('B42').getValue(); // Passivo Circulante
var H = ss_s.getRange('B43').getValue(); // Passivo Não Circ
var I = ss_s.getRange('B44').getValue(); // Patrim. Líq
var Data = [];
if( Export == "TRUE" )
const trg = SpreadsheetApp.openById(Target_Id); // Target spreadsheet
const ss_t = trg.getSheetByName('BLC'); // Target sheet
var LR_T = ss_t.getLastRow();
var LC_T = ss_t.getLastColumn();
var search = ss_t.getRange("A2:A" + LR_T).createTextFinder(TKT).findNext();
// if (!search) return;
if (search)
search.offset(0, 1, 1 , Data.length).setValues(Data);
var export_data = ss_t.getRange(LR_T+1,1,1,1).setValue([TKT]);
Exception: The parameters (number[]) don’t match the method signature for SpreadsheetApp.Range.setValues. doExportBLC @
Line 44: search.offset(0, 1, 1, Data.length).setValues(Data);
That script is to search if the ticked was already exported, if no fill new ticket and if yes export data to that line
The part, if no and add new ticket works, the rest to export data isn’t, everything else I get those variables from global constants used on other scripts and that works
I’m getting individual cells from more than 1 sheet and various cells with getValue:
var A = ss_c.getRange('B3').getValue(); // Ticket
var Data = [];
to setValues with
search.offset(0, 1, 1 , Data.length).setValues(Data);
As far as I understand that should be the correct way to deal with a 1 dimension array, as the output should be just 1 row
Added [example].
- Config and Index are from source SS, where function will run, multiple sheets will run this
- BLC is from target SS, where data will be exported to
Without being able to see the spreadsheet I have to guess but perhaps this will help
function doExportBLC() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const shc = ss.getSheetByName('Config');
var TKT = shc.getRange(TKR).getValue(); // TKR = Ticket Range
var Export = shc.getRange(EBL).getDisplayValue(); // EBL = Export to BLC
var tid = shc.getRange(TDR).getValues(); // TDR = Target ID Range
const shs = ss.getSheetByName('Index'); // Source sheet
var A = shc.getRange('B3').getValue(); // Ticket
var B = shc.getRange('B18').getValue(); // Balanço Atual
var C = shs.getRange('B38').getValue(); // Ativo
var D = shs.getRange('B34').getValue(); // A. Circulante
var E = shs.getRange('B40').getValue(); // A. Não Circulante
var F = shs.getRange('B41').getValue(); // Passivo
var G = shs.getRange('B42').getValue(); // Passivo Circulante
var H = shs.getRange('B43').getValue(); // Passivo Não Circ
var I = shs.getRange('B44').getValue(); // Patrim. Líq
var Data = [];
Data.push([A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]);
if (Export == "TRUE") {
tid.forEach(id => {
let trg = SpreadsheetApp.openById(tid); // Target spreadsheet
let ss_t = trg.getSheetByName('BLC'); // Target sheet
var LR_T = ss_t.getLastRow();
var LC_T = ss_t.getLastColumn();
var search = ss_t.getRange("A2:A" + LR_T).createTextFinder(TKT).findNext();
if (search) {
search.offset(0, 1, Data.length, Data[0].length).setValues(Data);
else {
var export_data = ss_t.getRange(LR_T + 1, 1, 1, 1).setValue(TKT);