I’m trying to build a Stacked Bar Chart using the Pchart library. I attach the code below.
function StackedBarChart({...props}){ const {dataChart:{data,keys}} = props; const renderBars = () =>{ return keys.map((item,index)=>( <Bar key={index} dataKey={item} stackId='a' fill={index%2?'blue':'red'} label /> )) } return( <ResponsiveContainer width='100%' height={400}> <BarChart data={data} stackOffset='expand' > <XAxis dataKey="name" /> <YAxis /> {renderBars()} </BarChart> </ResponsiveContainer> ) }
When I output a value to each Bar I get incorrect signatures. . Why is 2 Bar subscribed with the value 1 and not the remaining percentage. What is my mistake ?
my data
const dataChart = { data: [{ name: 'Page A', count: 4000, price: 2400, }, { name: 'Page B', count: 3000, price: 1398, }, { name: 'Page C', count: 2000, price: 9800, }, ], keys: ['price', 'count'] };
The reason of this behavior, is that upper bar shown his top value, which is 1, so this is the sum of all bars stacked.
To avoid this situation I used valueAccessor and some formatting to get value of bar and count its percentage.
Here is a link to working codesandbox where you can see final result