Previously my project setup was
public .next src pages components assets next.config.js
This was working fine but I changed the structure to following
public src client next.config.js jsconfig.json pages components assets server index.js
now this one is not working. I am getting error Couldn't find a
pagesdirectory. Please create one under the project root
Here is my updated next.config.js
const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins"); const optimizedImages = require("next-optimized-images"); const withPWA = require("next-pwa"); module.exports = withPlugins( [optimizedImages], [ withPWA({ pwa: { dest: "public", }, }), ], { distDir: '../../dist/client', } );
for absolute import(import Button from ‘components/Button’)
{ "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": "client/" } }
"scripts": { "dev:client": "nextjs src/client", "dev:server": "node src/server --out-dir dist/server --source-maps --watch", "dev": "dotenv -e .env.development yarn dev:client & yarn dev:server", "build": "yarn build:client && yarn build:server", "build:client": "dotenv -e .env.production next build src/client", "build:server": "node src/server --out-dir dist/server --source-maps", "build:staging": "yarn build:staging:client && yarn build:server", "build:staging:client": "dotenv -e .env.staging next build src/client", "start": "next start", },
{ "plugins": [ [ "styled-components", { "ssr": true, "displayName": true, "preprocess": false } ] ], "presets": [ "next/babel" ] }
As per the official NextJs documentation pages folder can be moved inside the src folder. But Config files like next.config.js and tsconfig.json should be inside the root directory, moving them to src won’t work. Same goes for the public directory.
Move your next.config.js file to root folder.