i made a bot Help command list by saying ” 911 ” in chat . It gives u an embed with the commands and 3 react buttons “forward” “backward” “delete” . It works as intended but idk why I can only use the reaction buttons once . For example : i am on page 1 , i pressed to go forward to 2 , then backward to 1 BUT if i want forward to 2 again it doesn’t respond anymore.
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*:vertical_traffic_light: :police_car: 911 / 112 / help for emergencies :police_car: :vertical_traffic_light:*")
.setAuthor("**Necrophilia Police**")
.setTitle("Commands for both DM and Server Messages")
.addField("***:white_check_mark: For SERVER Messages:***", ":moneybag: `sunt horny ==> You are sent to horny jail`")
.addField(":moneybag: `esti horny +tag ==> He/She is sent to horny jail`", ":moneybag: `nu sunt horny ==> Congrats from Garcea`")
.addField(":moneybag: `nu este horny +tag ==> He/She congrats from Garcea`", ":moneybag: `what's your wisdom ==> Garcea's Wisdom`")
.addField(":moneybag: `kekekek.... ==> Garcea laughs with you`", ":moneybag: `testos ==> testosu' ninja`")
.addField(":moneybag: `fight/challenge/duel +anything ==> Prepare yo ass`", ":moneybag: `peepo the pet ==> Sending best meme`")
.addField(":moneybag: `drug/drog/droage +anything ==> Garcea comes for you`", ":moneybag: `quiz ==> A quiz made by Garcea`")
.addField(":moneybag: `today/time/day/date ==> Date and Time`", ":moneybag: `monke ==> mmmm M O N K E`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-weather +location ==> Weather`", "`Example: -weather Iasi`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-hangman ==> hangman minigame`", ":moneybag: `-random ==> random cursed image`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-random +anything ==> random image of mention`", "`Example: -random cow ==> random cow image`")
.addField(":moneybag: `vibe/vibing ==> Vibe Checking`", ":moneybag: `cat the bread ==> Sending 2nd meme`")
.then(m => {
const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '➡️' && user.id === message.author.id;
const collector = m.createReactionCollector(filter, { max: 1, time: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); // 5 min
collector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*:vertical_traffic_light: :police_car: 911 / 112 / help for emergencies :police_car: :vertical_traffic_light:*")
.setAuthor("**Necrophilia Police**")
.setTitle("Commands for both DM and Server Messages")
.addField("***:white_check_mark: For DMs :***", ":moneybag: `-weather +location ==> Weather`")
.addField(":moneybag: `hi/hello/howdy/hola/hey ==> Garcea HIes you back`", ":moneybag: `drug/drog/droage +any ==> you'd better not say`")
.addField(":moneybag: `fight/duel/challenge +anything ==> He beats yo ass`", ":moneybag: `today/time/day/date ==> Date and Time`")
.addField(":moneybag: `quiz ==> A quiz made by Garcea`", ":moneybag: `how are you ==> Garcea's feelings`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-hangman ==> hangman minigame`", ":moneybag: `anything besides commands ==> Something crazy`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-random ==> random cursed image`", ":moneybag: `-random +anything ==> random image of mention`")
.addField("`Example: -random cow ==> random cow image`", ":moneybag: `vibe/vibing ==> Vibe Checking`")
const filter2 = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '⬅️' && user.id === message.author.id;
const collector2 = m.createReactionCollector(filter2, { max: 1, time: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); // 5 min
collector2.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription("*:vertical_traffic_light: :police_car: 911 / 112 / help for emergencies :police_car: :vertical_traffic_light:*")
.setAuthor("**Necrophilia Police**")
.setTitle("Commands for both DM and Server Messages")
.addField("***:white_check_mark: For SERVER Messages:***", ":moneybag: `sunt horny ==> You are sent to horny jail`")
.addField(":moneybag: `esti horny +tag ==> He/She is sent to horny jail`", ":moneybag: `nu sunt horny ==> Congrats from Garcea`")
.addField(":moneybag: `nu este horny +tag ==> He/She congrats from Garcea`", ":moneybag: `what's your wisdom ==> Garcea's Wisdom`")
.addField(":moneybag: `kekekek.... ==> Garcea laughs with you`", ":moneybag: `testos ==> testosu' ninja`")
.addField(":moneybag: `fight/challenge/duel +anything ==> Prepare yo ass`", ":moneybag: `peepo the pet ==> Sending best meme`")
.addField(":moneybag: `drug/drog/droage +anything ==> Garcea comes for you`", ":moneybag: `quiz ==> A quiz made by Garcea`")
.addField(":moneybag: `today/time/day/date ==> Date and Time`", ":moneybag: `monke ==> mmmm M O N K E`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-weather +location ==> Weather`", "`Example: -weather Iasi`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-hangman ==> hangman minigame`", ":moneybag: `-random ==> random cursed image`")
.addField(":moneybag: `-random +anything ==> random image of mention`", "`Example: -random cow ==> random cow image`")
.addField(":moneybag: `vibe/vibing ==> Vibe Checking`", ":moneybag: `cat the bread ==> Sending 2nd meme`")
const filter3 = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '❌' && user.id === message.author.id;
const collector3 = m.createReactionCollector(filter3, { max: 1, time: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); // 5 min
collector3.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
m.createReactionCollector(filter, { max: 1, time: 5 * 60 * 1000 })
the max value you have specified here is the maximum amount of reactions to collect. You can increase the max value to a high amount or just remove the option if you don’t want to limit the maximum amount of reactions.
You might also want to add a collecter2.on(‘end’) and remove all the reactions and edit the embed to reflect that it has stopped collecting reactions.