I have a table where data is populating. Each row has an edit link. I want to edit only a particular row on click of edit link. Right now its’ showing edit option for all the rows.
Also I want to show the text in a input box on click of edit.
Here is my code.
<tr *ngFor="let row of backendData.report" class="hover-highlight"> <td class="benchmark_name"> {{row.name}} </td> <td> {{row.value}} </td> <td> {{row.description}} </td> <td> <button *ngIf="enableEdit" (click)="enableEdit=false" class="btn page-secondary-action-btn" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button> <button *ngIf="enableEdit" id="saveBtn" class="btn page-primary-action-btn" (click)="saveSegment()" type="submit">Save</button> <a class="table-row-action edit-action" *ngIf="!enableEdit" (click)="enableEdit = true"> <i class="fa fa-pencil" uib-tooltip="Edit" tooltip-trigger="mouseenter" tooltip-append-to-body="true" tooltip-placement="left"></i> </a> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
My current output looks like this
Here is the solution
<tr *ngFor="let row of backendData; index as i;" class="hover-highlight"> <td class="benchmark_name"> {{row.name}} </td> <td> {{row.value}} </td> <td> {{row.description}} </td> <td> <button *ngIf="enableEdit && enableEditIndex == i" (click)="enableEdit=false" class="btn page-secondary-action-btn" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button> <button *ngIf="enableEdit && enableEditIndex == i" id="saveBtn" class="btn page-primary-action-btn" (click)="saveSegment()" type="submit">Save</button> <a href="#" class="table-row-action edit-action" *ngIf="!enableEdit" (click)="enableEditMethod($event, i)"> edit </a> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
ts file
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ] }) export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; enableEdit = false; enableEditIndex = null; backendData = [{ "name": 'Target', "value": '100', "description": 'abc' }, { "name": 'Size', "value": '20', "description": 'def' }, { "name": 'Industry', "value": '40', "description": 'ghi' }] enableEditMethod(e, i) { this.enableEdit = true; this.enableEditIndex = i; console.log(i, e); } }
Let me know if you have any doubt.