I’m trying to make a discord slash commands filter using distube but when I use the slash command it didn’t apply the filter that I picked but it sent the embed when filter is applied
Node: v17.7.2
Discord: ^13.2.0
can someone help me or tell me why the filter is not applying to the current music in vc?
thank you
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const ee = require('../../config.json'); module.exports = { name: 'filter', description: 'Add filter.', usage: 'filter', options: [ { name: 'preset', description: 'Filters to add.', type: 'STRING', required: true, choices: [ { name: 'BassBoost', value: 'bassboost' }, { name: 'Nightcore', value: 'nightcore' }, { name: 'Vaporwave', value: 'vaporwave' } ] } ], run: async(client, interaction, args) => { const filterss = interaction.options.getString('preset'); const queue = client.distube.getQueue(interaction); let player = client.distube.filters; if(!queue) { return interaction.followUp({embeds: [ new MessageEmbed() .setColor(ee.color) .setAuthor({name: 'Error', iconURL: 'https://i.imgur.com/81ig9jl.jpg'}) .setDescription('No songs are playing!') ]}) } let thing = new MessageEmbed().setColor(ee.color); if (filterss == "nightcore") { thing.setDescription("✅ | Nightcore filter is now active!"); player.nightcore = true; } else if (filterss == "bassboost") { thing.setDescription("✅ | BassBoost filter is now on!"); player.bassboost = true; } else if (filterss == "vaporwave") { thing.setDescription("✅ | Vaporwave filter is now on!"); player.vaporwave = true; } return interaction.followUp({ embeds: [thing] }); } }
From what I can find in the docs, it is recommended to use .setFilter()
instead of calling client.distube.filters.<filter> = true
I’d try changing your run
code to use this instead and see if that works:
run: async(client, interaction, args) => { // Your queue check code here let thing = new MessageEmbed().setColor(ee.color); if (filterss == 'nightcore') { thing.setDescription('✅ | Nightcore filter is now active!'); client.distube.setFilter(interaction, filterss); } else if (filterss == 'bassboost') { thing.setDescription('✅ | BassBoost filter is now on!'); client.distube.setFilter(interaction, filterss); } else if (filterss == 'vaporwave') { thing.setDescription('✅ | Vaporwave filter is now on!'); client.distube.setFilter(interaction, filterss); } return interaction.followUp({ embeds: [thing], }); }