I am relatively new to coding. I already coded a bot with a “nickname changer”. My problem is, that I want it to change to a specific format: “!nick @JohnDoe John” changes name to “JohnDoe [John]”
module.exports = client => { const command = require('../command') command(client, 'nick', (message) => { if (!message.member.permissions.has("CHANGE_NICKNAME")) return message.channel.send("Missing Permissions!"); if (!message.mentions.users.first()) return message.channel.send("Tag somebody!"); const user = message.mentions.members.first(); user.setNickname(message.content.replace('!nick ', '').replace(user, '')); }) }
It is for a private server, where everyone can see the users Gametag and their real name.
Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
PS: If there are better ways for that code pls tell me. As I said, I am a noob in programming stuff
Here is the answer:
!test @user tag
var Discord = require('discord.js'); var client = new Discord.Client(); module.exports = { name: 'gamertag', description: "this is a gamertag command", execute(message, args){ if (!message.member.permissions.has("CHANGE_NICKNAME")) return message.channel.send("Missing Permissions!"); if (!message.mentions.users.first()) return message.channel.send("Tag somebody!"); const user = message.mentions.members.first(); //get mentioned user username const username = message.mentions.members.first().displayName; //get mentionde user display username(normal username) let nickName = message.content.split(/s+/).slice(2); //exclude first 2 words var combined = `${username}[${nickName}]` user.setNickname(combined); } }