I wanted to make a music discord bot and I’ve been having trouble with it for a while. and I keep getting an error and I got this code from CodeLyon’s video called “Make Your Own Discord Bot | Music Bot (Play, Skip, Stop Commands)”
I keep getting the same error when I try it:
ReferenceError: PREFIX is not defined
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core"); var servers = {}; client.on('message', message => { let args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" "); switch (args[0]){ case "play": const prefix = '!'; function play(connection, message){ var server= servers[message.guild.id]; server.dispatcher = connection.play(ytdl(server.queue[0], {filter: "audioonly"})); server.queue.shift(); server.dispatcher.on("end", function(){ if(server.queue[0]){ play(connection, message); }else { connection.disconnect(); } }); } if(!args[1]){ message.channel.send("you need to provide a link"); return; } if(!message.member.VoiceChannel){ message.channel.send("you must be in a channel to play the bot"); return; } if(!serveres[message.guild.id]) servers[message.guild.id] = { queue: [] } var server = servers[message.guild.id]; server.queue.push(args[1]); if(!message.guild.voice) message.member.VoiceChannel.join().then(function(Connection){ play(connection, message) }) break; case 'skip': var server = servers[message.guild.id]; if(server.dispatcher) server.dispatcher.end(); break; case 'stop': var server = servers[message.guild.id]; if(message.guild.voice){ for(var i = server.queue.length -1; i >=0;i--){ server.queue.splice(i, 1); } server.dispatcher.end(); console.log('stopped the queue') } if(message.guild.connection) message.guild.voice.disconnect(); break; } });
The error you are getting basically tells you that you have not defined the PREFIX
At the top of your code you should add the following constant variable:
const PREFIX = '!';